
1 Dimensional Life ( 1D )

What do we mean by 1D life.

Anytime we become single minded or only focus on one aspect of our lives.

e.g. Work being given exclusive focus over other aspects of life.

Why is this attractive

It is a very attractive strategy for making progress in an single direction. If we wish to progress or catch-up on our career. One strategy would be to hole up in our (home)office and focus on our craft to the exclusion of all else. Your social life, your physical well-being, exercise, time in nature, religion and any discretionary activities. This would give the single dimensional aspect immense focus and progress … in the short term.

The stronger we are in any one dimension, the weaker or more fragile we are in others.

What could go wrong, this sounds amazing?

Well in the short term, things may progress well and a feeling of achievement may be achieved. However it is only on one dimension and life essentially is an interweaving of many aspects or dimensions of the person.

If you are accomplished in ones craft technically but have poor social skills for example. Ones overall happiness and contentment will be diminished as a result of imbalance. Accomplishment in one dimension does not translate into confidence in society. Worse yet may arise when progress leads to a position of leadership where soft skills such as communication and co-ordination are required. The technical hard skills which we the foundation of ones esteem may now not be as valuable and lead one to lean on under developed aspects and dimensions.

Unless one works for a modern conglomerate like Apple, Google or Amazon where almost all ones needs are met on the campus and the need to venture into the wilder and unrelated reality of general society. One will be left wanting on some measure or metric.

What to do to avoid this state?

It is a battle we as humans all face. To excel requires focus and determination. However as foreshadowed earlier, by failing to look after our other dimensions we risk boxing ourselves into situations which do not meet our long term goals for a fulfilling life.

We become like the body builder who skipped leg days, and now is too embarrassed to attend beach days and pool parties.

To avoid this state requires us to accept that we are more than one dimension and that we need to fill all of these various cups.

I define these dimensions as the following in no particular order

  • Physical Well-being
  • Mental Well-being
  • Spiritual Well-being
  • Self interest
  • Creativity
  • Social Well-being
  • Emotion Well-being
  • Sensual Well-being
  • Financial Well-being
  • Professional Well-being

When we wish to excel one of the above cups will always be a fuller. Could be a small amount more or disproportionately.

The problem is that they are all interrelated and often when things tip too far in one cup it depletes the other which then harms the full cup.

e.g. working too hard for too long, can cause poor physical health, mental fragility as well as an inability to focus. Spiritually our foundation may weaken and our goals may no longer be enough to sustain us. Our social life may be harmed, loved ones who depend on us may be let down or be harmed by ones neglect. We may lose the ability to enforce our personal borders and work and private life may blend dangerously. All the while our professional and financial well-being may be improving dramatically.

However if say our health deteriorates passed a certain point where we are no longer able to focus or work the hours we used to. This can have enormous impact on these two pillars we have built our life on.

Without the professional and financial accomplishments we have achieved or attained:

  • Who are we?
  • What is our goal or purpose?
  • Was it worthwhile in the end at the price we paid?
  • Do we regret this strategy?
  • What now?

For any achievement beyond the ordinary and extraordinary commitment or investment is required. However should this be total, all encompassing or life defining is the question we are need to answer.

Open Source

Open Source Heroes in Education | Sakai & Moodle

Over the last few years I have spent a great deal of time working with and being involved with both products and their communities.

Often we become caught up in the hype of picking which one is better or the features or technologies that we sometimes overlook the aspirations and exactly how magnificent their contributions have been to education specifically but progress generally.

One would be hard pressed to find pieces of software that have directly impacted more students of higher education than these two have. It is remarkable what the individuals and communities have achieved. In fact I would say it is heroic.

Looking back on the winding road that these products and tools have walked, one gets an idea of the impact they have had and continue to have as well. As well as seeing what lies in store for them as they move into the future.

At this point I am simply grateful for the commitment and drive these communities have and continue to put forward their very best effort.

To Sakai and Moodle well done and best wishes for the future.

Diving Spirituality

Water Stuck In The Ear

Today I went out scuba diving. What an awesome ability we humans have crafted and dare I say it elevated to an art form.

After a full day of seeing a whole other hidden side of the world, returning to environment, the world is a different place.

One of the “costs” of this trip, is water in the ear. It is one of those small inconveniences that go from being minor and easy to ignore to focus consuming.

This is where acceptance and patience often are required, letting the natural order assert itself and give the bodies processes time to resolve these trials in their own way and in its own times.

This is in fact not easy at all. The gift and curse of mankind is its utility and its ability to alter and adapt to conditions rapidly.

For some reason today was just one of those days where acceptance and surrender were attributes I was unable to embrace. In response I was hopping and dancing; and knocking the side of my head; and laying on my side; pocking my fingers in my ears; and wiggling my jaw; and wiggling my ears; and really just about any other thing I could think of to try to resolve this situation except allowing it to take care of itself.

At some stage I was distracted by something else and low and behold my right ear “popped” and the water escaped. Now the left ear is much more noticeable now that a nominal baseline for normal is measurable.

I am now determined not to mess with it and give it time to do its own thing. There are so many examples where time is the key and sacred ingredient. e.g. allowing the yeast in bread dough time to activate and raise the volume of the dough. Leaving space and a void for the universe to join in and contribute to creation.

Time will tell if leaving the left will result in a better outcome or if it is actually inaction or neglect it. Which is the counter argument to patience or letting things run their course. Conscientious and conservative individuals will always have to find their personal balance for this. Is it trust and faith that leads to deliberate non-action, in opposition is it laziness or neglect that causes inaction. It is generally context specific and determining the context is the key.

The knowing of the boundaries.

Knowing when to be still and go with the flow.

Knowing when to be active and be intentional.

Knowing the when to practice which and for how long.

These are the challenges and the rewards are varied but always worthwhile.

Letting go and holding on, this is what the spirit informs. Can one even control the outcome? Perhaps this is one of the factors to heed. If one cannot control something then is it rational to expect to influence the outcome. If it is not then acceptance and surrender are best. If control or influence are possible, then intention and action should follow and the outcome is in ones grasp.

In this case it is time for faith in the bodies systems and not interrupting or unintentionally preventing the desired outcome.

Somethings getting out of ones own way is life’s major challenge.

🙂 😐 🙁 Till next time: Peace, Love, Respect and Health to you and I.

Update: Eventually did use swimmers ear cleanser to speed the process along.

High Level View

Let the Rambling Begin :D

Putting the message in the bottle and casting it out into the aether.

Hoping it has some positive ripples.

The majority of the posts which will be published in the future will be about:

  • Photography
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Books
  • Driving Experiences
  • Riding Experiences
  • Hiking Experiences
  • Development in either Java, php, python, JS, web dev
  • Open Source
  • Music
  • Aquatic Experiences
  • Travel
  • Gastronomy
  • Appreciation
  • Creativity
  • Centeredness

Soooo, basically it is going to be a dumping ground for information under the Solgen banner, so hold onto your butts.